Horned Bettle
Every grub has a dream...
Foraging location; The Forest, The Marsh.
Swallowtail Butterly
The largest species of butterfly in Everbourne.
Foraging location; The Forest, The Marsh,
Royal Blue Butterfly
Finding these in your garden is a sign of a thriving ecosystem!
Foraging location; The Forest, The Marsh.
Green Bird Wing Butterfly
Often mistaken for falling leaves, these butterflies are often found in dense woodland.
Foraging location; The Forest, The Marsh.
Anxious tetra
Often found in groups, these tiny fish are easily spooked!
Foraging location; The Docks.
Bleeding Eel
Despite it's name; this eel is not bleeding.
Foraging location; The Docks.
Boba Scalare
A fan favourite among aquarium-enthusiast shawlings.
Foraging location; The Docks.
Busy Catfish
Despite it's name; the busy catfish can usually be found loitering at the bottom of pools of water.
Foraging location; The Docks.
Fiery Guppy
Male fiery guppy's use their stunning tails in order to attract their mate.
Foraging location; The Docks.
Flamboyant Bass
Exuding confidence, these fish are determined to be the centre of attention wherever they are found.
Foraging location; The Docks.
Rainbow Betta
'That's a nice fish you've got there. But mine is betta!'
Raspberry Goldfish
Disclaimer; does not taste like raspberry. Please, do not eat your Raspberry Goldfish.
Foraging location; The Docks.
Royal Arowana
This fish does not live up to the grace and decorum it's name would suggest.
Foraging location; The Docks.
Shimmering Trout
In the correct lighting, the scales of this fish exhibit a holographic colour; giving it it's name.
Foraging location; The Docks.